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Implications of the Existence of Alien Beings

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Implications of the Existence of Alien Beings and the discovery of Alien craft.
Taken from Stanton T. Friedman's "The Crash at Corona" (Roswell)

The short and long-term implications of something as complex, unusual, and controversial as the recovery of crashed alien vehicles would be difficult to determine even if all the facts were known and public. But when the very nature of the events is vehemently denied by the government, few qualified individuals are willing to put their wisdom and expertise to work on the problem.
Because they look at the situation so differently, the two authors have decided to approach this aspect of the situation separately. But while they see the implications in their own ways, that does not mean they disagree on the basic elements of the impact of the 1947 crashes. The views of Don Berliner will be followed by those of Stanton Friedman.

When an oak tree standing alone in an empty field is struck by lightning, the impact of the event is limited to that single tree. Even if it is shattered and killed, not one other tree, no human, and at most a few squirrels are affected. The immediate and the long term impacts are the same. The loss is routine and easily accepted.
But when the first UFO crashed in New Mexico in July 1947, all that kept the long-term impact from being as great as that of any event in recorded history was the U.S. government's preventing the world from knowing what happened. It was anything but routine and acceptable, at least to the select few
who were permitted to learn about it.
Mankind's position at the very top of the evolutionary ladder, considered a source of immense pride for eons, was suddenly placed in serious jeopardy. The absolute ruler of all the Earth (and presumably everywhere else, too) was on the verge of being revealed as inferior in some respects to those about whom he knew nothing and of whose very existence he was uncertain.

Someone had been flying through Man's private skies in vehicles vastly superior to anything developed here on Earth. And even though at least one of them had crashed, they were clearly the product of a civilization having far greater knowledge of science and technology. Man might still claim to be the master of the Earth, but suddenly there was proof that someone else was smarter, had started sooner, or had progressed faster. Man might still be able to divert great rivers, clear vast forests, tame wild horses, and teach puppydogs to sit up. But the designers, builders, and pilots of the UFOs had awe-inspiring knowledge (if not necessarily wisdom) and could well be in position to submit Man to their own will.
Within two weeks of the start of the first great American wave of UFO sightings in 1947, it had become obvious that the strange craft were far faster and more maneuverable than any known flying machines. Moreover, they could fly almost silently and seemed capable of controlling their radar profile. Any realistic chance that they might be the tools of some other country was wiped out by the discovery of the remains of two crashed examples in the wilds of New Mexico. The mere presence of superlight, superstrong materials of unknown composition should have been enough to indicate their alien nature. But the discovery of several small nonhumans in the wreckage eliminated the last hope that Man might still deserve credit for this enormous leap forward.

By keeping all knowledge of this amazing discovery secret the U.S. government postponed the day when Man would realize that his place in the cosmos was not quite as lofty as he thought. By restricting knowledge of the aliens' activities to the government's chosen advisers and thus losing potentially priceless advice from knowledgeable outsiders, it slowed the process of learning about the aliens and working out ways to deal with their presence. It also put off the day of reckoning, when our government would finally be called to task for its peculiar behavior.
Of course, the government may have had good reasons for keeping the initial news of the discovery of aliens secret. . . or at least it may have thought it had good reasons. At first, it feared the "flying discs" might be some terribly advanced form of Soviet aircraft or missiles developed by captured Nazi scientists. In the early postwar period, nothing would have been more frightening than the prospect of the overflight of advanced Soviet weapons, and so the eagerness to keep the facts quiet was understandable. At least until it became obvious that the mysterious flying things were just too far advanced to be the result of any Soviet-Nazi collaboration. Since we knew they weren't ours, and no other nation on Earth could have made the required technical progress, the possibility of their being alien had to be faced.
But until we knew for certain who was responsible for the flying discs and that they were not a threat to national security, it must have seemed prudent to remain silent. The discovery of proof of the discs' alien nature answered one of the big questions, but there still remained the possibility that they were unfriendly. Their failure to zap anyone with Buck Rogers style ray guns might be evidence of subtlety, rather than friendliness.

Despite the brilliantly effective security system imposed by the U.S. government, the facts of the flying discs appearance and behavior could not be hidden forever, as they were being seen and reported publicly by thousands of people, among whom were scores of professional pilots, scientists, engineers, and others whose knowledge and skill made their reports believable despite the bizarre content. The descriptions were sufficiently consistent to point to a novel class of flying machines bearing no similarity to anything created by any known government.
The realization that these UFOs were quite possibly alien vehicles gradually made its way into the public consciousness despite the best efforts of government disinformation specialsts, the self appointed protectors of scientific conservatism, and the damage to credibility caused by UFO reports in the supermarket tabloid newspapers and from the lunatic fringe of the private UFO community. Lacking any other explanation for the most baffling UFO reports, more and more people assumed they were alien in origin, even though they knew of no direct evidence of this.
As for the aliens' motives, they were a lot harder to understand. Most people figured they were exploring Earth and its people for reasons of scientific curiosity, because that is what we plan to do when we get to other planets. Their continued presence in large numbers for at least several decades suggests, however, that if they are explorers, they may be slow learners, or we may be particularly hard to figure out (which would give Man at least a temporary boost in self-esteem). But for most ofthe modern era of UFOs, no other motivation on the part of the UFO operators was given serious consideration.

Until 1981, when New York author Budd Hopkins began to take a close look at the strangest of all the parts of the UFO mystery: so called alien abductions. These short-term kidnappings of people by apparent aliens, most of which involve puzzling procedures resembling medical examinations, first became public in the mid-1960s with the publication of The Interrupted Journey by John Fuller. He described the extraordinary experiences of Barney and Betty Hill, whose return from an otherwise normal vacation included a side trip into history. In the following decade, a few similar stories came to light, but generally remained within the UFO community.
Hopkins' Missing Time and Intruders sold widely, and firmly established alien abductions as a subject for talk shows and their vast TV audiences. The books described dozens of "abduction" reports that Hopkins had investigated and brought thousands of letters from suspected "abductees" to him and then to best selling novelist Whitley Strieber, whose Communion (about his personal abductionlike experiences) was read by millions. The amazing consistency of now many hundreds of individual accounts, and the inability of mental health professionals to find an alternative explanation for the emotion packed symptoms, strongly suggest these unfortunate people are the victims of some very strange phenomenon.

It is the contention of Hopkins and other serious investigators that the "aliens" are conducting genetic experiments on thousands of innocent people often over several generations and even using them to produce hybrid offspring. The researchers freely admit this sounds outlandish but insist the evidence supports it.
If this is the case, and there is some reason to believe the U.S. government is aware of it, then its reluctance to open its most secret UFO files becomes more understandable. The government is charged with the responsibility of protecting the public from foreign threats, and any admission that aliens arehaving their way with hundreds of Americans could well lead to political disruption.
Just picture yourself seated at the great desk in the White House's Oval Office, where so many famous men presided over history making events. The presidential press secretary enters, a harried look on his rapidly aging face. He spills out the highlights of the latest wave of UFO sightings, wishing he were anywhere else, doing anything but this.

He launches into what is fast becoming a ritual about the Washington press corps (once his friends) hounding him for answers. The usual brush off about UFOs being temperature inversions and weather balloons no longer works: They've heard too many reports of huge, windowless, metallic craft flying rings around our hottest fighter planes to fall for that any more. A few of the guys have come right out and called the press secretary a liar, and that hurts.
What do you the president of the United States do? Do you admit that you and your predecessors back to Harry Truman lied to the American people when you assured them there was no reality to UFOs? You might like to, but you know that once you concede even the remote possibility that UFOs are anything more than mistakes and imagination, you will have opened the floodgates to a million awkward questions that will demand answers you simply are not prepared to give.

Do you admit that there are unexplained vehicles flying through American skies, knowing you will then have to explain why you don't know whose they are? And why, after more than forty years, the world's greatest air force remains powerless to interfere in any way with their activities? Such an admission of impotence (and, by implication, ineptitude) in the face of what could easily be seen as a threat to national security, would cast into disrepute the entire American air defense system. This would not please the taxpayers, who remember shelling out tens of billions of dollars in the expectation that they would be protected from above.
You might admit that a few unexplained craft have overflown the country, while claiming they constitute more of a curiosity than a threat. But the simple admission that even a few UFOs exist could well pop the cork out of the bottle. The noisy, but so far ineffective, private UFO community has for decades been claiming UFOs were real. By conceding this single point to them, you would have raised their stature and quite possibly elevated them to the status of authorities on a subject sadly lacking in reliable sources of information. After years of bashing their heads against a stone wall erected by your own intelligence services, they might suddenly become experts whose opinions would be eagerly sought by TV network anchormen.

And be responsible for even more gray hairs on the head of your press secretary.
And if there are confirmed Unidentified Flying Objects overhead, as the amateurs had long insisted and the government had just as long denied, couldn't the scarier claims of close range sightings also be true? As long as those in authority government leaders, scientists agreed that not a single so called UFO had ever been seen, such far out concepts as UFO landings and alien abductions had seemed preposterous. But once the idea of genuine UFOs in the sky had been recognized, then it would be a short step to the acceptance of more direct approaches. After all, the government had admitted lying about the very existence of UFOs! Why assume any of its other denials were based on reality?
Of course, you, the president, could stick to the old party line and continue to insist there are no UFOs at all. Each time there has been a major flurry of sightings in the past, the press showed signs of losing confidence in official explanations. But then, after the furor died down, everything went back to the way it had been before. UFOs were forgotten by almost everyone, since nothing had resulted from their presence, just the way it would have been if they had never been here in the first place.
But there is a serious risk in making repeated denials in theface of a growing mass of evidence from more and more expert witnesses. If the public and/or the press ever decide the government has been dishonest in its handling of the UFO question, then all is lost. Nothing the president says will be believed, and even the most outlandish rumors may be accepted, in the absence of a dependable, official source of information that is responsive to the public need.

Must watch video! KGB Ufo Crash.

When the point is reached that the danger is not being believed exceeds the danger of the public learning what has really been going on, then it will be time to start releasing the truth about UFOs, no matter whose reputation is sullied in the process. With hundreds of people involved in the complex deception demanded by a massive cover-up, some of them will have to suffer when it all comes out into the open. As long as the president's aides can twist things around to make it look like he is on the side of truth and justice, the others will have to fend for themselves.
Then comes the problem of deciding when and how to release the information so long withheld. Do you simply dump it on the people and hope that it will be carefully sorted through and analyzed by thoughtful citizens who won't jump to conelusions? Or do you release it in carefully measured doses, observing the response of the "patient" to the "medicine" in order to determine what to do next? You are taking a very large risk that the release of the first bits of news will unleash a tidal wave of press curiosity that you will not be able to control.
If you tell the people that UFOs are (or even were) flying overhead, they may accept that and think no more of it. Or they may decide that if you are willing to admit that much, there must be more to it, and so they may be receptive to reports (authoritative or sensational) of landings, crashes, confrontations, and abductions.

If you have the time, you may be able to conduct some tests of public reaction, releasing a small amount of relatively mild information to a limited audience and carefully monitoring the reactions. But if you are under pressure as a result of waiting until the last moment in hopes they will go away, this may not be possible and you'll just have to take your chances.
The real danger lies in the nature of the information youhave been withholding. If it is fairly benign, then the risks are minimal. But if it is truly shocking, it may be worth almost any risk to keep it from becoming public knowledge.
The least upsetting possibility is that while UFOs may have been cruising through our skies for uncounted decades, they have never given any indication of being unfriendly, or of interacting with us. If that is the case, then the main risk is to Man's pride. Long accustomed to seeing himself as the ultimate example of power and knowledge, capable of overcoming any challenge to his stature, Man's realization that there are those flying right over our heads who have superior technology and are able to proceed with impunity could be a severe blow.
Since prehistoric times, Man has lorded it over the animals and over other men, and he has felt secure in his position at the top of the mountain. Alien craft and, by implication, aliens, whether flying the UFOs the way pilots fly airplanes or operating them by remote control would reduce Man to a position of subservience. But a novel form of subservience which has not yet produced any real changes in Man's behavior. No chains, no bowing down in their presence, no saluting an alien flag, no having to ask permission. Not even any restrictions on his precious freedoms of speech, assembly, or even thought.

Reactions to this shocking realization will be neither simple nor consistent. Some, who have long accepted that UFOs are real and probably alien, may take the news quite calmly, having had years to condition themselves. Others, who have long been aware of UFOs but never considered them of much interest because they were never personally touched, may shrug their shoulders and move along to the sports page. Still others, however, may find the news highly upsetting, especially if they have accepted the years of official denials as "proof" that UFOs cannot exist as anything different and important. Then the past will come back to haunt those who, for one reason or another, made authoritative sounding statements discrediting UFOs, their observers and all those who found them interesting.
The most flamboyant proponents of UFO reality (saucer fans, New-Age believers, tabloid editors) will no doubt make certain that the world knows how far-sighted they were. This will add to the difficulty of keeping the public calm. But as long as UFOs are seen as having come no closer than a few thousand feet overhead, it should be possible to convince most people that nothing traumatic is about to happen.
But as UFOs come closer or their closer approaches are confirmed by government agencies the danger of strong public reaction will grow. Once it is admitted that they have had any sort of impact on people or the environment (what are called Close Encounters of the Second Kind and involve physiological and physical effects), it will be easy for any individual to visualize one of the spooky things bothering him. A UFO that can frighten one innocent driver on a lonely road at night by flying alongside and shining a bright light into his car can presumably do the same thing to others. Even if no real harm results, strong feelings of insecurity could engulf much of the population.

Even if the government doesn't confirm close approaches and instances of interference, once overflights are accepted, it will require no great leap of the imagination to believe some of the more sensational claims that have been made over the years. And let's face it: If something can fly, it probably can land as well. And if it can land, then whoever was flying it so proficiently should be able to climb out and do who knows what. Visions of hideous, slobbering monsters from science fiction movies will trigger far too many imaginations, in the absence of calming facts. While the information will spread more slowly by word of mouth, it will have a secondary effect of damaging the government's credibility as the public realizes that it is not being told the full story and that its leaders cannot be trusted. The public, for the most part, might still accept the staggering news andlearn how to go about its business. Even if the weird idea of "alien abductions" becomes an accepted part of life, such experiences are brief and rarely produce long-term physical harm, and open discussion might reduce the psychological damage. But there would almost certainly be long-term effects on human culture.

First off, there is the world political and military situation. With the accelerating rush toward East West peace, the addition of a third element, the aliens, may not have the great impact that it might have had in the days of the cold war. Military related industries are preparing themselves for a major adjustment to civilian products and services, as military forces are being cut back. The recognition of aliens in our midst, or at least in our skies, could speed up the alliance of the long antagonistic major powers. Ronald Reagan, when president, said on at least four occasions that a threat from outer space might unite the nations of Earth.

The most immediate and painful result of the widespread recognition of the presence of aliens would be the rapid drop in the value of defense shares on the stock market. It would be hard to see the long-term value of military aircraft, radar, ships, and missiles in the face of vastly superior technology that could probably be used to overwhelm Earth if that fit the aliens' plans. Why worry about threats from other countries when a much more ominous threat cruises right above us?
With the drop in the value of defense stocks would come similar drops in the value of stocks of hundreds of firms doing defense related work, especially in research and development. A stock market crash of epic proportions is easy to envision, and would be followed by the layoff of hundreds of thousands of blue collar and white collar employees and the rapid failure of all sorts of service and support businesses. A deep depression could well follow in a very short time.
This alone could be keeping the U.S. government (in concert with others) from releasing the news of the existence and nature of UFOs. What president would want to go down in history as the space-age Herbert Hoover, with the blame for a financial catastrophe on his record? Of course, if the news could be let out slowly, so that the economy could adjust to the new demands a little at a time, then a deep crisis might be averted.
UFO destroys a NASA rocket (Malmstrom, Montana)

But, as we have suggested, the chances of pacing the release of information may not be very good. Even if the financial situation could be controlled, there are other elements in our culture that might not react as well. Religion, for example. How would the major organized religions react to the presence of aliens in our midst? No doubt many of them would immediately claim the aliens as their own, convinced that living, intelligent beings from anywhere must have come to the same conclusions on matters of philosophy and dogma as they had.
But what if the aliens practice a religion closely resembling one familiar religion and thus reject all the others? Or if they practice a religion bearing absolutely no similarity to any of Earth's major or minor religions, and thus reject all of ours? Or if their lives include nothing that bears the slightest resemblance to religion at all, and thus reject the very idea of religionand of a supreme being? For that matter, what if they had gone through a period of Earthlike religious behavior and then past it to a nonreligious life that clearly suited them better?

Would religious leaders accept this maturely, or would they launch great drives to convince the aliens (and incidentally their straying flocks) of the absolute necessity of adopting their "one and only true" faith? Would they band together for a religious war on the aliens? While masses of chanting, swaying co-religionists jamming the centers of major cities might fit the needs of some church leaders who see their authority slipping away, the impact on religious tolerance could be devastating.Regardless, the aliens' attitudes toward Earth religions would almost certainly be a very upsetting experience for hundreds of millions of people around the world who had been taught from childhood that theirs is the only true faith of the universe. If these obviously advanced beings function well without a recognizable deity, the need for religion as we know it would be diluted if not eliminated. The response of the major churches will tell the story, and experience does not suggest basis for optimism.

In the broad and increasingly important areas of science and technology, the realization that others are decades, centuries, or perhaps millennia ahead of us could be a blow to the collective ego from which we would never recover. So many of the world's best thinkers are involved in the systematic search for new and better ways of doing things that to destroy their motivation to do original work could be devastating.The field most directly affected by the recognition that others had solved the major and minor problems of manned space flight would be the space programs of the United States, the former USSR, and the lesser nations in the space business. Pouring billions into sophisticated efforts to colonize the Moon and to explore Mars would suddenly appear as pointless as trying to build better dirt roads for Roman chariots. Cape Canaveral and the Russian space base at Tyuratam would quickly become museums instead of jumping off places for Man's most exciting adventures.
And what of the thousands of highly educated and experienced specialists who had devoted their professional lives to the space programs? They would lose not only their jobs but their honored places in society as well. They would be as outdated as those who once made arrowheads by chipping flint. Also left without motivation would be hundreds of thousands of young people in many countries who had been inspired to study harder in hopes of one day joining their national space programs and perhaps doing important things for humanity.

See Also
The most technologically advanced cultures on Earth could shrink back toward an earlier, less sophisticated stage, as has been seen when a modern society inadvertently wipes out a primitive one. All this and more could be keeping the president from giving so much as a hint that UFOs are real. And hoping that the inevitable unexpected landing or crash in public will happen after he has retired to write his incomplete memoirs. Stanton Friedman, a scientist, sees the future in a different way. His views follow the implications for mankind of aliens in the here and now will depend to a great extent on how they are presented. Either by themselves, in the middle of the World Series. Or by our own government finally admitting that "Oh, yeah, aliens have been coming here and we've known about it for more than forty years."
Portraying the aliens as evil could be a force for getting residents of this planet to work together. It could be a real boon for the defense industries, with Americans, Russians, Germans, Japanese, and so on all working together for the good of humankind. But if they are presented as good, it is conceivable that the space industries will boom. There could be movement toward colonizing other planets in our solar system, moving out toward the home base of the aliens, assuming it's in the "neighborhood."

Can they move us forward in space technology so that we, too, can go to the stars? Now, here's the big question: Will we go as visitors, as slaves, as equals or as possible students in some cosmic kindergarten? Will there be a space tourist business to make arrangements for visiting aliens who wish to go hunting or fishing, or even to have their equivalent of a honeymoon? What if it turns out that the aliens are coming here because they have discovered that there's a catastrophe in Earth's future? It could be an asteroid on a collision course. Or we could be approaching a region of space that has a high radiation level. Or we may be scheduled for destruction by a different alien race. The number of scenarios is limited only by the imagination. If we are facing a catastrophe, are they preparing to save some or all of us? Are they preparing to review our response? Will this be an incentive for us to be subservient to them? We just don't know.
What if it turns out that the aliens are really the gods of the Bible? That is, the all powerful beings who have been here before, done their thing, left, and now come back to throw their technological hat into the ring? Suppose they had been here two thousand years ago and had subsequently traveled at almost the speed of light so that time slowed down for them while it went on for the people they left behind? They might be the same beings who were here in Jesus' time, and had left Jesus or other religious leaders behind and are now back to check on how things had gone.

Above Video; Franco Chendi, the Italian Ufologist shows a video where you can see Astronauts in a Building on the Moon and the Pics captured by an artificial satellite of a NASA mission called "Clementine"
That sounds like science fiction, but when you recognize the Einsteinian relativity indicates that for people traveling at extremely high speed time slows down, then we have the startling possibility that we are an old experiment being evaluated. They may not be terribly impressed by the ways we've learned to kill each other, or our inability to meet many of the basic needs of so many people on our planet.
What if it turns out that there have been direct meetings between Earth's representatives and the aliens, and even exchange programs, for the past thirty years? There is a story about movie footage existing of a meeting at Holloman Air Force Base in the 1960s which could very well be true. If so, what if it turns out that we are somebody's private property? Certainly the residents of the Americas didn't have much say about conflicting territorial claims made by European ex- plorers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In other words, our planet may be an area in dispute among several different groups of aliens. There is also the possibility that this was a prison colony, sort of a quarantine location, where they could dump undesirables and give them a chance at making it or failing.

It may also be that the reason for aliens coming here is purely economic. What do we have that might interest aliens? One thing might be biological material. It could be the DNA that belongs to people and of which we have many variations on the human theme incredible variations of defects, strengths, weaknesses. And there is also plant and animal DNA, genetic structural material. We have an undifferentiated biological population with, for example, ten thousand varieties of sorghum. Whatever characteristics you want, there are probably a few seeds with those characteristics. The same holds for fish and mammals, many species and varieties of which have been around for a very long time. If, in the alien society, they have learned to control reproduction under laboratory conditions for people, animals, and plants, it may be that a new disease has arisen. It may be that they need certain characteristics because they want to explore places where their own biological make up is inappropriate. One can imagine innumerable combinations of their genes and ours that might fit their specialized needs. We don't know.

It seems likely that any really advanced technological civilization will have studied biology as well as technology and may have learned the "secrets" of aging. That may have led them to a path around the aging problem. In other words, if there are certain biological clocks that need to be reset, if there are certain stimuli that are negative, these may have been placed under control so that an advanced civilization able to move between stars lives longer than we do.

Now, suppose aliens are the equivalent of three hundred human years old, have been taught using ultra advanced computers, and have access to information developed by many different civilizations over a long period of time. This is very different from our situation where all our knowledge was acquired in the last few thousand years, which is a brief time on a cosmic time scale. Under such conditions, one might expect some of the alien visitors to be extremely well educated. Their thinking may be very convoluted with regard to us, however. It may be that they have stood back and said that while many of us have the potential for good and are presumably educable, our leaders leave a great deal to be desired.

We (the aliens) got here in the 1940s because we detected growing technology. They (humans) had managed to kill forty million of their own in a great war, and destroyed much of their, own planet. The next thing they did, rather than figure out how to live at peace with each other, was to develop competing groups with new weapons of great destructive capabilities and then let "great leaders" kill millions more of their own in their "enlightened selfinterest."
This (Earth) is a society in serious trouble, as it seems to have developed mostly along the line of devising ever more efficient ways of killing its own. Do we want them to move out into space, or should they be kept on Earth? In view of their own attitude toward life, they surely can't object to our doing a few biological experiments on them. We may have borrowed a few thousand of them, while they allow tens of thousands of children to die every day from preventable disease and starvation. How can they complain about what we do? Some of them insist we are cruel and "inhuman," yet they slaughter millions of animals every year for food and sport.
Another possibility is that the aliens are here for economic reasons that are entirely different from wanting valuable biological material. Earth is the densest planet in the solar system, containing very dense metals such as the little known osmium and rhenium, along with platinum, uranium, and gold, some of which have very peculiar characteristics. Many of them have high melting points, high strength at high temperatures, and are very resistant to corrosion. Perhaps more important, they are quite rare in the universe, as we know from studying the spectra of stars.
Earth is therefore likely to have greater deposits of these metals than any other planet in our own solar system, and possibly in the local neighborhood. The aliens may be staking out claims the way gold miners did in California and Alaska. They may even be staking out claims for materials we don't realize are important, just as prior to World War II we paid little attention to uranium, zirconium, and rare earths such as europium and neodymium. Now they are considered valuable metals, metals of commerce.
Earth could also be a laboratory for alien psychologists studying human behavior, much as we study rats in a maze, or monkeys under special conditions, using one way mirrors and tape recorders. In view of our own difficulty in understanding ourselves, imagine how much more fascinating we may appear to aliens. Some of the most peculiar behavior of UFOs (a disc flying with its broad side forward, for example, or flipping end over end) could be analogous to a professor shocking his psychology class with some seemingly irrational act just to see how they will react.
It may be ego satisfying to think that aliens visiting Earth must have some superspecial purpose, since their journey had to have been exceptionally difficult, dangerous, and long. But that would be as foolish as judging modern transatlantic flights by Charles Lindbergh's historic solo trip in 1927. From one brave man flying for thirty four hours in a poorly equipped and hard to fly single seater, we now have ten million people flying every year across the Atlantic in just six or seven hours. Many go for reasons which once would have been considered trivial but are perfectly acceptable because the trip is now so easy. If it took six months to get there, you wouldn't go to London for a weekend.
If aliens have been flying between stars for scores of generations or for millions of years, they could have as many reasons for coming to Earth as we have for going to New York City: good ones, bad ones, indifferent ones; personal ones, very public ones; immediate ones and long term ones; happy ones and sad ones. Instead of trying to figure out what single purpose motivates aliens to visit here, perhaps we should be considering a wide range of concurrent possibilities.
As for the reason or reasons our own governments continue to insist they are not here at all, maybe they know something so upsetting that our knowing it won't help. Maybe something awful is happening, or is soon to happen, or could happen someday, and the prospect could disturb our way of life without helping to improve the situation. Even a hint of impending tragedy could be enough to cause a major uproar.
It is also possible that, just as Moses was kept out of the Promised Land because he was of the older generation that, knew slavery, our governments could be waiting until all the, old, narrow minded military leaders have died, or at least retired. Max Planck, the great German physicist, said, "New ideas come to be accepted not because their opponents come to believe in them, but because their opponents die and a new generation grows up that is accustomed to them."
For the first time in history, we have a new generation that has never known a time when there wasn't a manned space program. Saturday morning cartoons, television series like Star Trek, movies, and the evening news have combined to "brainwash" young people into space consciousness.
Why are the aliens here? Where are they from? What, if anything, are their plans for us? Why haven't they presented themselves formally, rather than remaining as inconspicuous as possible? Why are governments determined to keep their presence secret? Lacking any knowledge of the aliens' psyches, we have no way to delve into their behavior. And lacking any entree to the most secret rooms in the Pentagon, we have no way to delve into the behavior of our own people vis a vis the aliens.
For almost a half century of intense UFO activity in our atmosphere and on our ground, the data have piled up, as have the theories. But despite the efforts put into trying to solve the great mystery of the twentieth century, we may be no closer today then we were when UFOs crashed in the open spaces of New Mexico and the government easily fooled us all into thinking it was part of a weather balloon.

Notes to the Alien Videos from Dr Reed above;
The videos are from the alien encounter of Dr Reed (Dr Jonathan Reed or John Rutter). As Rutter (Dr Reed) explained, his alien encounter originated on October 15, 1996, in the Cascade Mountains east of Seattle near Snoqualmie Pass.

While still in the mountains, Rutter came across the creature by accident while he and his dog were hiking in the forest. For unknown reasons his dog apparently attacked the creature. The creature, in reaction to the dog attacking it, began to defend itself. Rutter, seeing his dog was losing the battle with the creature, picked up a large tree branch and struck the creature in the head. Thinking he had killed it - he eventually ended up bringing the creature home.

He later conducted and filmed an examination of it in his living room. After later reviewing the video, it was discovered that the creature had in fact been conscious while Rutter was filming - as you can see the creature blinking several times during the video.

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Saturday November 21 and Sunday November 22, 2009
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In addition to the posted topics, Dr. Greer will be discussing his newly released letter to President Obama. Hear directly from Dr. Greer his thoughts about the implications of that letter and the information included in the full briefing, which was hand-delivered to many of the highest level individuals in this administration. They have the information - it is now time for them to act. Hear the details from Dr. Greer...some information will be presented as part of his keynote on Saturday night and even more will be discussed during his workshop on Sunday

Please join us for a special presentation by world-renowned founder of the global Disclosure movement to end UFO secrecy, Steven M. Greer, MD. As founder of CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), Dr. Greer has led expeditions around the world for 18 years to make contact with ET civilizations visiting Earth, and has done briefings for CIA Directors, heads of state, Congress, senior Pentagon officials, and senior scientific leaders. Learn what he has told them - and what he is telling the new Obama Administration. Learn how Dr. Greer is advising the head of state of a G7 country on how they should end secrecy NOW and make open contact!

New video and electronic audio evidence of ET contact from CSETI expeditions will also be presented, as well as a review of the innovative energy technologies that will give us a new and sustainable civilization on Earth!


November 13 and 14, 2009! &


There is still room available at the Costa Mesa area workshop! The Petaluma, CA and Asheville, NC workshops filled up well before their dates and we had to close registration and turn people away. Please register as soon as possible so you will not miss this only southern CA workshop scheduled for 2009 and 2010!

Environmental upheavals, deteriorating world economies, government instability, and the mysterious year 2012...Why ET Contact and Disclosure are important to ease humanity through this Transformation.

Lecture by Steven M. Greer, MD

Founder of

Friday, November 13, 2009

7:30 pm to 10:00 pm

Costa Mesa Room Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 9262

Please join us for a special presentation by world-renowned founder of the global Disclosure movement to end UFO secrecy, Steven M. Greer, MD. As founder of CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), Dr. Greer has led expeditions around the world for 18 years to make contact with ET civilizations visiting Earth, and has done briefings for CIA Directors, heads of state, Congress, senior Pentagon officials, and senior scientific leaders. Learn what he has told them - and what he is telling the new Obama Administration. Learn how Dr. Greer is advising the head of state of a G7 country on how they should end secrecy NOW and make open contact!

New video and electronic audio evidence of ET contact from CSETI expeditions will also be presented, as well as a review of the innovative energy technologies that will give us a new and sustainable civilization on Earth!
General Admission:$15 at the door

Special Admission: $10 for MUFON Members & Students with ID
Seating is limited to the first 450 people

Dr. Steven Greer Workshop - Contact: The CSETI Experience

Saturday, November 14, 2009 - Huntington Beach, CA

You are Invited to a special workshop with Steven M. Greer, MD to learn the CSETI contact protocols, learn of the amazing recent ET Contact our team has made, and spend a night out under the stars practicing these revolutionary contact techniques, using advanced concepts in the science of consciousness as well as lasers and electronic tones beamed into space. Upon registration, each person will receive Dr. Greer's book Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge and the CSETI training CDs in advanced meditation techniques, remote viewing, and contact protocols. Advance registration - before November 5 - is advised to receive the materials before the workshop. Do not miss this historic opportunity with Dr. Steven Greer! The workshop will be Saturday, November 14, 2009 in the Talbert Room at the Huntington Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 from 1:30 to 6:00 pm; break for dinner; then CSETI Contact Protocol Practice at a nearby outdoor location from 8:00 pm to midnight.
Advance Registration: $175 at:

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