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The Contactee - The story of George Adamski Pt 2.
(continued from part one - "George Adamski")

On the afternoon of November 20, 1952 (he tells us in Flying Saucers Have Landed ), Adamski had his first encounter face-to-face contact with a man from Space.
During the previous year he had journeyed on several occasions into the Mojave Desert, to areas where saucers were said to be landing. Nothing had come of those excursions. On this day he was trying again. Accompanying him were Alice Wells; his secretary Lucy McGinnis; and four UFO enthusiasts, including Alfred Bailey and George Hunt Williamson.*
They drove about in the desert, watching the sky and following Adamski’s hunches as to a possible landing site. Finally, he ordered that they stop and get out of the car. They roamed on foot now, in the rocky desert terrain. Mountains loomed about them, deceptively close. A strong wind was blowing; and the women tied scarfs around their heads. After a half-hour the party returned to the car for a picnic lunch.

But the saucer watch continued as they scanned the sky and ate. Suddenly, everyone turned to look over a ridge and gaped.
(Pic left and below; a similar cigar shaped craft photographed in Salt Lake City)

As Adamski describes it in Flying Saucers Have Landed : Riding high, and without sound, there was a gigantic cigarshaped silvery ship, without wings or appendages of any kind. Slowly, almost as if it was drifting, it came in our direction; then seemed to stop, hovering motionless. Like a long, narrow cloud, the object hung there in the sky.

* Bailey (a railway conductor) and Williamson (an amateur anthropologist) had recently exchanged radio messages in Morse code—with the occupants of a flying saucer. See their book The Saucers Speak! (New Age, 1954).
pic source;

Voices trembling with excitement, they debated the identity of the object. George Hunt Williamson was sure it was a spaceship. Lucy McGinnis deemed it an airplane; but unable to discern any wings, she suddenly changed her mind. Yes, a spaceship! They stared in amazement at the long, narrow craft—not a flying saucer, but a mother ship.
It began to move off. “Someone take me down to the road—quick!” said Adamski.

“That ship has come looking for me and I don’t want to keep them waiting!” Adamski, McGinnis, and Bailey hopped into the car and drove a half-mile down the road. The ship seemed to be following them. Turning onto a dirt road, they drove along a shallow canyon. Adamski pointed to the base of a hill that was where he wanted to set up his telescope and camera. As they arrived at the spot, the ship was directly overhead. Adamski leapt from the car and unpacked his equipment. He told McGinnis and Bailey to leave him and rejoin the others he wanted to be alone. They should return for him in an hour. The car sped away with a trail of dust. Meanwhile, the silver ship was drifting off, like a cloud in the wind. Soon it had disappeared over the mountains. Adamski was alone with his equipment and thoughts. He attached camera to telescope, adjusted the eyepiece.

Then his attention was caught by a flash in the sky. And he saw something—“a beautiful small craft”—drifting between two mountain peaks and settling into a cove. A flying saucer! He began to take pictures. With another flash the saucer moved out of sight. Adamski stood there, camera in hand, awed by the proximity of the saucer. He wondered if its occupants knew he had been taking pictures. And he fell into a reverie. His thoughts were interrupted. Someone was standing about a quarter of a mile away, motioning for Adamski to come over.

As his companions (who would later sign an affidavit attesting to having witnessed the encounter) watched from a distance, Adamski walked toward the man. Strangely, he felt no fear. Hands thrust into the pockets of his windbreaker, he walked confidently and expectantly, as if approaching an old and trusted friend. The man was wearing a jumpsuit. His long, blond hair was blowing in the wind. He was smiling. Adamski halted an arm’s length from the stranger. Now, for the first time I fully realised that I was in the presence of a man from space—A HUMAN BEING FROM ANOTHER WORLD!…The beauty of his form surpassed anything I had ever seen. And the pleasantness of his face freed me of all thought of my personal self. I felt like a little child in the presence of one with great wisdom and much love, and I became very humble within myself… for from him was radiating a feeling of infinite understanding and kindness, with supreme humility.

The spaceman extended his hand. It was slender, with fingers like those of “an artistic woman.” Adamski reached out to shake it. But the spaceman shook his head, and gently placed his palm against Adamski’s. Adamski regarded the man with awe. He was cleanshaven and youthful in appearance. He had a high forehead, green eyes, and a smile that revealed glistening
teeth. His jumpsuit was brown, with a radiant sheen. He wore no jewelry, carried no weapon. The two men began to communicate, via a combination of telepathy, gestures, and facial expressions. The spaceman was from Venus, he informed Adamski. His visit was friendly, but serious in purpose. For he had come to warn us of the dangers of nuclear explosions dangers for both the Earth and its neighbors in the Solar System. Adamski noticed now the saucer in which he had arrived. Bell-shaped and translucent, it was hovering just off the ground in a cove. A scout ship, explained the spaceman, that had emerged from the mother ship seen earlier. As the wind blew their hair and ruffled the bushes around them, Adamski put questions to the spaceman. How did his ship operate? Did the Venusians believe in a Deity? Did they experience death? The spaceman answered the questions. But when Adamski asked to take his
picture, he shook his head. He led Adamski over to the saucer. It wobbled in the wind; and prismatic colors flashed on its surface. Adamski found himself speechless, overcome with joy.
Could he go for a ride? The spaceman shook his head. Could he just step inside and take a look around? No, not at this time. Then the spaceman said goodbye and reboarded his ship. It rose, glided over the mountains, and disappeared from view. Adamski was soon rejoining his party and filling them in on what had happened. He and the others returned to the site, to examine the spaceman’s footprints and to look for traces of the saucer. Then they drove into town for dinner. Two days later an Arizona newspaper ran a story about the encounter. More newspaper coverage followed; and it was not long before Adamski himself was writing a full account of his experience.

The manuscript found its way to the desk of Waveney Girvan, editor-in-chief of a British publishing house. A UFO enthusiast, Girvan says that it “made an immediate appeal to me: I felt I was handling dynamite.” Though fearing the book might bring ridicule upon his imprint, he decided to publish it.* And in the fall of 1953, Flying Saucers Have Landed appeared in bookstores. Coauthored by Adamski and Desmond Leslie (a British ufologist who wrote the historical portion of the book), it describes in detail the encounter in the desert. It also included the latest—and most sensational photos of spacecraft that Adamski had taken through his telescope. In its concluding chapter we are told: Now I am hoping that the spaceman will return again, and that then I will be granted more time to visit with him. Believe me, I am saving up questions. And many of my friends are also accumulating questions. Couldn’t it be possible that he might actually let me have a ride in his ship of the Great Ethers? He would not have to invite me twice.

George Adamski

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The Story of a UFO Contactee - George Adamski

During the 1950s the Earth was visited by the Space People. Unlike today’s aliens, the Space People were tall and attractive, highminded and benevolent. And they were wise. To share with us their wisdom, they made contact with selected individuals. The most celebrated of these was George Adamski.
Adamski was a philosopher who dwelt on a mountaintop in California. In 1953 he was taken aboard a flying saucer, flown to a mother ship, and entrusted with a mission. He was to communicate to Mankind the wisdom of the Space People. Let us examine his life story, his encounters with the Space People, and his writings. And let us learn from him.

Early Years

Adamski was born in 1891 in Poland, to parents who “possessed an unusual and deeply religious approach to the wonders of creation,” we are told in a biographical sketch (by Charlotte Blodget) appended to Inside the Space Ships. Two years later the family emigrated to America; and George was raised in Dunkirk, New York, in modest circumstances.
At an early age he dropped out of school. Yet Adamski had begun a regimen of self-education that would continue throughout his life. Already he knew that to learn about nature’s laws would be “the enduring quest of his life,” and that his aim in acquiring that knowledge would be to serve Mankind. No doubt he was a familiar figure at the public library in Dunkirk, and in subsequent places of residence. At 22 Adamski joined the Army, serving with a cavalry regiment on the Mexican border. And towards the end of his enlistment, in 1917, he married.
What little is known of his activities during the next decade comes from his FBI file.† During this period Adamski moved about the Western states in search of work. He served as a maintenance worker in Yellowstone National Park; a laborer in an Oregon flour mill; a concrete contractor in Los Angeles. According to that biographical sketch, his travels and variety of jobs gave Adamski an insight into the ways and problems of his fellow man. Adamski worked hard on these jobs. Yet his mind was always active. He was an eager and energetic student, in “the university of the world.” Finally, the teacher emerged; and in1926 Professor Adamski
(as he billed himself in his pre-contactee days) began to teach philosophy in Los Angeles. His students were anyone who cared to listen to the impromptu lectures of a sidewalk philosopher.

Where are all the UFOs?

A few years later, in nearby Laguna Beach, he
founded the Royal Order of Tibet. The Royal Order met
in a building called the Temple of Scientific Philosophy.
There the professor expounded upon the mysteries of Universal
Law, to seekers of esoteric knowledge. And he traveled
about California, New Mexico, and Arizona, giving
lectures in behalf of the Royal Order. These early lectures
Adamski would describe as “philosophical talks on the laws
of life from a universal concept.”
What were his qualifications for this lofty calling? Adamski
would claim to have lived and studied in Tibet. In any event, he had mastered (from whatever sources, in that “university of the world”) a vague body of generic wisdom and philosophy. (His teachings contain little that is specifically Eastern.) This knowledge he communicated via lectures, informal discussions, and self-published tracts and booklets. One of the booklets, published in 1936, was Questions and Answers by the Royal Order of Tibet, as “compiled” by Professor G. Adamski. The work was intended, declared its author, “to enlighten the student or seeker of
truth,” and to aid him in “awakening from the dream-life to the reality which leads to Mastery.” One day a student presented him with a six-inch reflecting telescope; and Adamski began to explore—and to photograph—the heavens.

Amateur Astronomer

In 1940 Adamski and a few of his closest students—wishing to separate themselves from the travails of the world and devote themselves to philosophy—moved to a
ranch near Mount Palomar. There they farmed and studied.
Four years later the group acquired a 20-acre property on
the mountain itself, with funds provided by Mrs. Alice
Wells, one of the students. They cleared the land, built
simple dwellings, and dubbed their new retreat Palomar
Gardens. They also built a restaurant, which became a
gathering place for the group. Called the Palomar Gardens
Cafe and run by Mrs. Wells, it catered to both tourists on
the mountain and visitors to the retreat. Adamski served as
its handyman and all-around helper; but in the evenings he
gave informal talks in the dining room.

At the top of the mountain was the Hale Observatory. Inhis opening remarks in Flying Saucers Have Landed, Adamski would seek to dispel the confusion that had resulted from his sharing an address with the Observatory:
I am George Adamski, philosopher, student, teacher, saucer researcher. My home is Palomar Gardens, on the southern slopes of Mount Palomar, California, eleven miles from the big Hale Observatory, home of the 200-inch telescope the world’s largest. And to correct a wide-spread error let me say here, I am not and never have been associated with the staff of the Observatory. I am friendly with some of the staff members, but I do not work at the Observatory.
Yet Adamski was an amateur astronomer. He had acquired by now a larger telescope: a fifteen-inch reflector. When night came to the mountain, he would head over to the dome in which the telescope was housed—to scan the heavens and ponder their mysteries. One night in 1947, he watched as a series of lights movedacross the sky. When one of them stopped abruptly and reversed its course, he said to himself: “This must be what
they call a flying saucer.”

It was a notion Adamski was able readily to accept. His years of studying and teaching philosophy, he explains, had convinced him that beings similar to Man must inhabit countless planets of the Universe, and that some of them would have developed the means of interplanetary travel. Adamski began to scan the sky in earnest, looking for spacecraft. And it was not long before he had spotted, and photographed,a number of them. The local Rotary Club heard about the photos and invited him to give a talk on his sightings. A seasoned lecturer, Adamski was pleased to comply. The talk was well received by the Rotarians, and was given newspaper coverage. Adamski applied himself now to obtaining more detailed photos of the spacecraft. In all kinds of weather, he scanned the sky through his telescope. And he began to entertain a hope—that one of the ships would land. That its occupants would emerge and speak with him—and maybe even give him a ride! For the observations and photography that had become his his obsession, Palomar Gardens was the perfect site. Its 3000-foot elevation afforded a clear view in every direction. The view was inspiring as well: mountains, sea, distant San Diego. Night after night the philosopher spent with his telescope, often napping beside it in a hammock. In winter months the stars shone with an icy brilliance; and as the wind roared, not even the hot coffee that his wife (or a female follower) brought out to him could allay the cold. But on spring and summer nights the breeze whispered through the trees—owls hooted—coyotes yapped at the moon. These were “nights of magic to recompense for those of discomfort as I continued my watch for the mysterious saucers.” The saucers were increasingly visible (they were moving in closer to the Earth, he believed); and by 1952 Adamski had obtained a large quantity of photos, some of which showed “well outlined forms—but not much detail.” Many of the craft he sighted were in the vicinity of the Moon.

Word of the photos spread; and Adamski—an unpolished yet oddly compelling public speaker—became in demand in Southern California as a lecturer. In his talks he displayed blow-ups of his best photos—proof of the reality of flying saucers—photographic evidence! He also published an article in Fate magazine. Titled “I Photographed
Space Ships,” it created a stir and brought in requests for copies of the photos (which Adamski supplied for a dollareach). As he became a figure of note in UFO circles, enthusiasts began to appear on his doorstep, often having driven a great distance to meet him. Adamski knew, of course, that the response to the photos was mixed. Many people were scoffing and accusing him of fakery. But his lectures—however received—were serving a purpose, he insisted. They were causing people to take an interest in flying saucers, and to keep an eye out for the mysterious craft.
He continued to lecture, and to observe the sky at night, camera at the ready. And he was still holding forth at the Cafe. His subject, as before, was Cosmic Consciousness or
the like—but with added reference now to our fellow inhabitants of the Universe.
Then, in 1952, Adamski began to hear “reports of saucers apparently landing in various desert areas not a great drive from Mount Palomar.” At last. They were landing.

Follow the next chapter in Goerge Adamski's story in the next Post; "The Contactee"

Here is a sampling from Questions and Answers :
“What is conscious consciousness? - Consciousness as a Totality of Being is merely a state of passive awareness.…”
“What is the law of cosmic brotherhood?
Universal love, harmony, unity, the oneness of all things.…”
“What is man’s greatest enemy?

Nazi UFos

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Did the Nazis have UFOs?
In June of 1947 a private pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported a formation of nine shiny objects speeding along at an unprecedented speed of 1600 mph in the vicinity of Mt. Rainier, Washington. Arnold actually described the craft as more crescent shaped, like 'flying wings'−which coincidentally was another air form perfected by the German Horton Brothers, during the war. It was suspected that captured German aircraft were being studied in a joint U. S. /British facility in western Canada close to Washington state. In September of 1947, just eight months after Admiral Byrd's aborted mission to the Antarctic, the Strategic Air Command undertook a detailed mapping and reconnaissance mission of the North Pole. An extensive B−29 support base was established at Ft. R−chardson, Alaska. But aside from cameras, these bombers were crammed with state−of−the−art, electro−magnetic scanners, sensors and magnetic emissions detectors. And, just as Byrd described, 'high−speed craft capable of flying from pole to pole', were again encountered at the Arctic as well. Debriefed flight crews reported seeing metallic vertical lift saucers parked on the ice packs, flying in and out of the water as well as dogging the B−29s. All evidence, tapes, film canisters and documentation were immediately classified and rushed back to Washington D. C. In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower was allegedly secreted away to a meeting with Extraterrestrials at MUROC airfield near Palm Springs, California. One particular group was reported to be 'Nordic' looking and they offered Eisenhower Free Energy technology in exchange for nuclear disarmament which was declined!

And as the story goes, these 'Nordic' ETs subsequently met with Pope Pious XII at the Vatican as well. In 1975, thirty years after the disappearance of the Vril Society leaders, a Swiss farmer claimed to have contact with a girl from the 'Pleiades', who bore the pseudonym, "Semjase" and a striking resemblance to the 'Vrilerinnen' from 1919. This space girl also wore long blonde hair, spoke in fluent Austrian−German and candidly shared comprehensive knowledge about the German saucer projects of World War II. clip. The UK divide, Something Extra in Scotland by Andrew Hennessey Post at (excerpt) There is 'something extra' going on in Scotland. There is archaeological and ethnological evidence for beliefs in non−humanity that are thousands of years old all over the UK. There are Greys etched on ancient standing stones and there is a Bronze Age Reptilian head carved on the s−irit rock in Rosslyn glen below the famous chapel. The Elizabethan mage John D−e drew beings that looked very like Greys, in his Keys of Enoch writings. The 17th Century m−stic Jane L−ad wrote of giving birth to some sort of hybrid child.... Every one of the four UK nations has its own claim to Draconian bloodlines and descent from the Lemurian and Atlantean giants of old. L−ncoln cathedral features a red draconian with a capture device covered in the same Aryan script, featured in Adamski's sketches of the Nordic ship in his book; `Flying Saucers have Landed'. From the De Dannan in Ireland and its Book of Invasions, who arrived with what sounds like energy weapons (Lance of Lugh) after some cataclys mic war that was perhaps responsible for the vitrified and melted rocks of e.g. Burntisland in Fife and the Dark Isle in Cromarty.

the City of London and the draconian aristocratic coats of arms e.g. MI5, and also in Wales. to the stories of the Mhor or giants in Scotland. In Scotland, as of course England, there is an established culture of the EL's or Elves or Shining Ones or Illuminati, easily illustrated by the Scottish painter John Duncan in no better place than his painting `the Riders of the Sidhe' (pronounced she). You can google that and see tie ins between Aryans, and shining Reptilians, the Hindu swastika on the horse harness and a little baby reptilian running alongside the horses that looks very similar to the reptilian stone head in Rosslyn glen, near Scotlands capital. The Earl of Rosslyn and the Earl of Orcus in real life would translate to be of the Stewards (or Stewarts) of Tolkein's Gondor. The Lord of the Rings I would contend celebrates Scotland's Atlantean epoch and its post Atlantean peoples and their values. 18th century maps of Rosslyn show that the place was named Paradise and in that place that was called Paradise is now built the cloning lab and a tower, let us hope it is not dark called Dryden Tower. In the Atlantean stories related by Josephus Flavius and also in the book of Enoch it was the misuse of cloning that turned the paradise of Atlantis into a dry desolate den. Perhaps somehow that ancient pageant is being commemorated at Rosslyn today. The UK also has its full quota of deep bases and underground cities, from Newcastle, allegedly near RAF Boomer, to Brecon Beacons, to Cornwall, under Wiltshire and London etc and under mountains, as does Scotland. You can see and hear about many underground bases on all sorts of official or unofficial maps and insider stories but you never hear about any stuff under the Lothians up here or see the ancient places for subsurface peoples identified. I've heard of hybrid colonies in Greater Manchester and people on automatic in Wiltshire.

Something extra is going on in Scotland. Perhaps highly overt alien farming. In January 2005 in the National Museum of Scotland you could even see an exhibit in `Art and Industry Since 1850' that showed that the Scottish establishment was co−operating with the extra terrestrial presence and were happy to publicise the fact. It was famous A70 (West Lothian) abductee Garry Woods who reported in 1992 of seeing rows and rows of naked humans frozen in Perspex jars by their alien farmers. The Reptilian Overlords of Scotland seem to have it all stitched up in spectacular Hollywood style. Since 1850' at the National Museum of Scotland in Chambers Street, Edinburgh to be celebrating the fact that they have bought and sold the Scottish human population for Genetic Gold to Alien Invaders.

• From: "John Winston"
• Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 22:47:16 −0800

The Day After Roswell

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Bless Colonel Corso

The late Colonel Philip J. Corso, a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Tech The late Colonel Philip J. Corso, a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research & Development department, came forward to reveal his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the Roswell crash. In his book, The Day After Roswell, he told how he spearheaded the Army's reverse-engineering project that led to today's: integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, and lasers and how he helped to "seed" the Roswell alien technology to giants of American industry.
In a rebroadcast from 7/23/97, Art Bell was joined by Col. Phillip Corso and Dr. John Alexander discussing alien artifacts gleaned from the Roswell incident. Corso said in 1961 he was given a file cabinet from his superior General Trudeau which contained material recovered from ET craft.

He was instructed to use these items for "utilization and exploitation," farming the objects out to various companies such as Bell Labs to reverse engineer and further develop. Among the technologies he said arose from this were: night vision, fiber optics, food irradiation, integrated circuits, and lasers.

The US 8th Air Force’s commanding officer, General Roger Ramey, said they had actually recovered an experimental balloon. Ramey’s explanation was quickly adopted as the official line throughout the following years, and this technique of outright denial would continue to be championed by governments questioned about flying saucer stories. Although the public initially accepted the official version of events, this episode sparked a consistent stream of UFO sightings, particularly around remote US Air Force bases.

In June, Bond Johnson asked if we would examine the Roswell crash photographs using high-tech computer technology. Scanning photographs made from the original negatives and then magnifying them revealed the photograph's 50 year old secret -- symbols of unknown origin sequentially lined up and down the beams.

What a revelation! But who made the symbols and what do they represent? If the symbols were of Earthly origin, we would expect them to be familiar to us, but they are not. Today we use symbols in public places such as airports, hotels, and restaurants to communicate information to people who do not speak our language. We have standard symbols representing things such as eating, sleeping and transportation. What then, do these unknown symbols represent? Were they made by people on Earth? Or alien beings from somewhere else?

Sites such as Area 51 in Nevada, and the government’s denial of its existence, led to suspicion and conspiracy theories. The 1947 ‘Roswell Incident’ itself has also never quite left the public consciousness. In 1994 a New Mexico congressman instigated an inquiry into the affair.

The investigative department of the US Congress, known as the General Accounting Office, discovered that many relevant US Air Force documents had gone missing or had been destroyed. However, the GAO also came to the conclusion that it was, indeed, a weather balloon that had been recovered from the Foster ranch, and the bodies there were infact anthropomorphic dummies. Case closed. Little did US officials realise that the ‘Roswell Incident’ was about to dramatically appear on television screens across the globe. In 1992, a British media businessman, Ray Santilli was in Cleveland, Ohio to meet a retired cameraman. Santilli wanted to buy some vintage 1955 Elvis footage from the man, who revealed he also had some interesting alien autopsy film from his time in the military.
Roswell UFO Disclosure: Col. Corso

Santilli purchased the film in November 1994 and agreed to show it at the British UFO Research Association annual conference on 19th August 1995. However, by March 1995 news of the film had been released to the media, and a serious world premier of the footage was needed. It took place in front of invited guests at the Museum of London on 5th May. By the end of August 1995, millions of people around the world had seen moving pictures from a supposed alien autopsy. Although this was compelling evidence, doubters immediately began voicing their theories about the film. The most obvious suspicion was that the autopsy had been created by movie special effects processes.

Watch the Santilli Video

Many experts believe the film is fake, but they also believe it is very high quality. The Hollywood effects industry is a closed shop, with insiders having friends and contacts across the range of companies, but so far noone has an inkling as to who created the Roswell film. Other experts in the field of biology are less convinced that the body is entirely man-made, and some suspect that it may be a human being adapted to look otherworldly. There is a whole host of further questions about the Roswell autopsy. Whoever captured the footage has never been revealed, although a bizarre film was released where someone purporting to be the cameraman attempted to explain his involvement. Santilli has never uncovered the footage he has of another alien autopsy and has never really allowed any of his films to be subjected to proper scrutiny.

Most importantly, the aliens in the footage look nothing like the bodies witnesses saw recovered from the New Mexico desert floor. All experts who view the autopsy film agree that it is a fake. Santilli has made a great deal of money from the Roswell autopsy footage, and he still maintains that it is genuine. The rest of us will probably never know. The public’s natural instinct is to question governmental denials, but the other options here are also so unreliable that it is very hard to determine the truth.

This is a photograph of Major Jesse Marcel holding fragments of the Roswell crash UFO debris on July 8, 1947. On that historical day, newspaper photographer James "Bond" Johnson was hastily dispatched from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper to take photographs of the Major posing with the UFO crash debris for the newspaper.

Below Pic - allegedly faked Roswell crash foto evidence

Further research sources;

Roswell Testimony The personal accounts of the civilians, military and press who were involved in the Roswell incident.

The Roswell Incident - The Greatest Mystery In Ufology? Skeptical investigation of the evidence, including the personal testimony, the debris and the autopsy film.

Roswell Debris Page Just about everything you would want to know about the alleged Roswell crash debris. Photos too.

Roswell Debris Analysis A scientist argues that the Roswell debris is manufactured and of extraterrestrial origin.

Debris Article Newspaper article about the crash debris and the reactions to it.

Autopsy FAQ Just about everything you would want to know about the Santilli autopsy film of 1995. Image analysis, photos and how to make your own alien.

Roswell Glyphics Deciphered Analysis of the glyphs supposedly found on crash wreckage.

How to be a UFOlogist

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Many people want information on how to become involved in the study of UFOs (often called “Ufology”). What subjects should they learn, and what special training is most appropriate in order to becomeinvolved with either UFO investigation or research. Further, students wonder whether there is any full-timeemployment available with major UFO organizations to study the UFO phenomenon.

The answers to these questions are straightforward, but first we want to provide some necessarybackground that will help you understand the current situation in the field. The study of the UFO phenomenon hassuffered over the years from a lack of funding from either government agencies or private foundations. As aconsequence, all UFO organizations have relied almost exclusively on contributions from the public for theirsupport, some on membership fees.Regrettably, while public donations are most welcome, public donations have usually been barely adequateto maintain an office and pay for some clerical help, but—with rare exceptions—not enough to pay full-timeinvestigators. And almost no grant money is available for scientists and other professionals to do research projects.The basic reason why no adequate funding is available is that only a tiny minority of professionalscientists and academics consider UFOs to be a legitimate topic for scientific study.

Most are convinced that UFO reports are only a miscellany of mistaken observations of prosaic objects or phenomena, and all the controversythat surrounds them is based on nothing but a popular myth. At bottom, the pervasive problem is the failure ofimportant opinion makers in society to recognize that the skeptical position on UFOs is not well founded; in fact, itis strongly contradicted by a large body of well-established facts (see the white paper on skepticism).As a consequence, all those who study UFOs seriously do so as an avocation—an unpaid activity wepursue as professionally as possible, given the lack of resources. UFO investigators come from all walks of life, andpeople with a wide variety of backgrounds have made important contributions.

However, their UFO work did notadvance their careers, especially for those academics who have become involved. Others in the field—policemen,teachers, businessmen, engineers, librarians, writers, and computer specialists—are less troubled by conflictsbetween their UFO work and their jobs.Of course, the lack of funding could change at any time, but it has been true for decades and the future istotally unpredictable. The current deadlock could go on for many more years, or some dramatic events ordiscoveries could bring urgent attention to and support for UFOs overnight. Still, it is best that you plan to do your UFO work as a volunteer.

UFOs as an Avocation If you are ready to get involved on a volunteer level in the field, what should you study? Experience tellsus that analysis of UFO reports is a strongly cross-disciplinary endeavor. The study of the UFO phenomenon can bebroadly grouped into two categories:· Investigation of UFO sightings themselves in the field· Study of the reports and/or witnessesWithin these categories are numerous separate tasks. The field investigation of sightings involves many skills.Witnesses need to be interviewed in a manner that will provide the most reliable sighting details. Physical tracesamples may be taken using careful protocols, with measurements and photographs of the site.

Governmentagencies often will be contacted to obtain supplementary information (weather data, radar records). Reports mustbe carefully written to compile an accurate database for future use.From the standpoint of field investigation work and report writing, backgrounds in interviewing, detectiveor police work, journalism, social work, and similar disciplines are valuable. However, many excellent fieldinvestigators have had other training. It is quite possible to learn to be a good field investigator, and there arehandbooks that provide advice and training.The study of the data from UFO reports includes many possible areas of evidence.

UFOs are sometimestracked on radar, so that electronics and other technologies related to those fields are important. Electromagnetic(EM) effects or gravitational disturbances frequently have been associated with UFOs. In EM effects cases,knowledge of the affected vehicle or power system becomes important, along with principles of electromagnetism.2If there are physical traces on the ground, or vegetation is affected, then knowledge of biology, soil properties,chemistry, and botany can be important. Photographs of UFOs must be studied by those knowledgeable in thatfield.Other researchers have attempted to find patterns in the UFO data, such as where and when UFOs appear,their common characteristics, and any correlations between these data.

Here, a background in statistics, databases,or intelligence analysis would be useful.For those interested in the physics of the UFO phenomena, relevant knowledge can come fromaeronautics, atmospheric physics, and optics, among other disciplines.In most UFO cases, there is no physical evidence, just the witness reports. Consequently, witnesses havebeen the subject of several studies, as we try to see who is more likely to see a UFO, and whether certain peoplemore commonly make specific types of reports. Here, social scientists have much to offer. Perceptual psychologistshave, for example, studied the difficulties of observing something unusual in the sky or on the ground, and haveplaced limits on what can be perceived.What all of the above implies is that almost any area you decide to study can be applied someday to thestudy of UFOs. For this reason, we strongly urge you get your degrees or training in areas that you find interesting and in which you would like to seek employment.

Undoubtedly, you will need to make a living doing something besides stu

dying UFOs.You may find this advice rather unsatisfactory because it is not very specific. But actually, it should beencouraging that almost anything you learn can be applied to UFO studies. This gives you great freedom to choose.And if there are specific areas of UFO study that you find intriguing, our advice above should provide someguidance about where you should gain further education.As part of your schoolwork (especially in college), you can seek opportunities to do term papers, scienceprojects, honors projects, and theses related to some aspect of UFOs. With a little imagination, the possibilities areendless.UFO Studies & ApprenticeshipTo a great extent, it will be up to you to become expert in the UFO field, since there is no formal trainingin the subject. Whatever field of study or studies you choose to pursue in your formal education, there are manyinformal training and learning opportunities available. You should try to contact one of the major UFOorganizations to see if you can become involved as a volunteer while in school. (Your schoolwork should comefirst, and we normally advocate waiting until you are in college to become a volunteer) .

The organizations can putyou in contact with someone in your area who is a member and/or investigator. You can begin to learn about thefield from someone who is directly involved. You can possibly apprentice as an investigator, attend discussiongroups, and help with other tasks.Volunteering can lead to obtaining a personal mentor who can help guide you through the many pitfallsoften encountered in ufology (rumors, gossip, unfounded speculation, poor science). You will want some advice onwhat to read and who is reliable. This is because there are no standards in the field of UFO studies; literally,anyone can declare him or herself a “ufologist,” although those of us who treat the field seriously only get involvedwith like-minded people.

In your free time outside of school or during vacation time, you can pursue personal studies of UFOsightings and/or human reactions to them. A good place to start is to examine the web sites of UFO groups andprominent advocates, many of which contain links or articles on various aspects of the subject. You should try toread widely in the UFO subject, learning about its history as well as famous cases, the government involvementwith UFO investigation, earlier investigators and researchers, and, of course, what we do know about the UFOphenomenon.The reading list and web sites below are a place to begin your education. If you have additional questionsafter reading this white paper, you can contact one of the UFO organizations for further advice. We wish you allthe best in getting involved in this most intriguing field.3Web SitesHere are some websites that have reliable information on the UFO phenomenon. There are many more than listedhere, and you can find several other good sites on the CUFOS website links page.

Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)

Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR)

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

National Investigations Committee onAerial Phenomena (NICAP)

Project 1947 (UFO history)

UFO Research Coalition (URC)

Bernard Haisch, Ph.D. (astronomer)

Recommended Reading;

We have chosen the best books that provide an overview of the UFO phenomenon, rather than books on specifictopics, such as abduction cases. Some are out of print, while others are quite expensive, so you will need to use your local library and used book services to find some of these references. For additional reading material, you cancheck the recommended reading lists of the websites listed above.Clark, Jerome. The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial.

Detroit, MI: Visible Ink. 1998.Clark, Jerome.

The UFO Encyclopedia. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics. 1998.

Fowler, Raymond E. Casebook of a UFO Investigator. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1981.

Hall, Richard H. The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report.

Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. 2001.

Hall, Richard H. Uninvited Guests. Santa Fe, NM: Aurora. 1988.

Hendry, Allan. The UFO Handbook. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 1979.

Hill, Paul R. Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Co. 1995.

Hynek, J. Allen. The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry. Chicago: Henry Regnery. 1972.

Randle, Kevin D. The UFO Casebook. New York: Warner. 1989.

Randles, Jenny and Peter Hough. The Complete Book of UFOs. New York: Sterling. 1996.

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